Parents are in charge of taking care of their children. When children are born, it is a big responsibility for parents to take on. They must look out for the well-being of another life. They need to learn different techniques on how to raise a child. They need to spend a lot of money on raising the child as well. Children can be pricey. You will need to feed them every day, clothe them and get certain products that they will need to use. Parenting is different for everyone. Some parents are blamed for bad parenting or even endangering their child. If individuals are faced with this charge, an investigation can be made into their parenting style and visits can be made to their house. They may be monitored to see if the child is in any danger. If the child is in danger, there is the possibility that they can be taken away from their parents. An accusation alone can cause great effects due to the involvement of Child Protective Services. Guardians should seek legal counsel in order to get the help that they need. We understand that you have the best interest of your child in mind and we want to help prove that.
Signs of child endangerment are often spotted by mandated reporters. These mandated reporters are required by law to report any findings that they come across or they may face potential liability due to their lack of action. These reporters include school officials, medical professionals and other authority figures who are educated on signs to look for.
When you are charged with endangering the welfare of a child, there are a variety of consequences that you may face. The consequences often depend on the level or severity of danger the child has been exposed to. People may face a felony or misdemeanor charge depending on the level. Class A misdemeanors include endangering the welfare of a child, non-support of a child in the second degree, unlawfully dealing with a child in the first degree and misrepresentation by a child day care provider. A Class B misdemeanor is described as unlawfully dealing with a child in the second degree. Class E felonies include abandonment of a child and non-support of a child in the first degree. If your charges of child endangerment were due to the outcome of another illegal act, you may face compounded sentencing. This may cause you to be charged with two criminal charges, one consisting of a child endangerment charge.
Contact The Law Office of Kevin T. Conway to review your case and effectively defend you from criminal charges. Our legal team will explore all legal defenses to alleviate the impact of your offense and conclude your matter in the best possible way. If you need our experienced and skilled legal services, contact the Law Office of Kevin T. Conway today.
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